Increase Crop Yield Questions and Answers

Q:  If I am applying Pro-Soil products do I still need to use a nitrogen stabilizer or additional products that help make phosphorus more available to the plant?

A:  As with any recommendation, many factors come into play involving the release of macro and micronutrients. Soil testing for the availability of nutrients as well as calcium to magnesium ratios, sulfur availability and heavy metal toxicity all play an important part of nutrient release to the plant. Pro-Soil products contain an enzyme concentrate that works to feed and stimulate microbial activity. By increasing the beneficial microbe population in your soil you are working toward increasing the efficiency of all applied nutrients. However, there may be specific individual circumstances that still warrant adding an N Stabilizer or a Phosphorus release type product. They would be as follows:

  • During cold and wet conditions at planting time nutrients tend to be more immobile.
  • In the event of very low or phosphorus depleted soils where crops have been known to show phosphorus deficiency.

Remember that your Pro-Soil products are working for you to improve soil conditions by increasing root mass, improving pore space and providing a scientifically engineered nutrition source for your microbe populations. These improvements can help by allowing the plant to come in contact with more nutrients (roots) allowing roots to grow deeper with more mass (pore space) and by converting more of the root mass to organic matter and plant available nutrients (microbial activity).

Soil microbes depend on plants for their nourishment. Fertilizers that nourish plants also nourish the biology of the soil. Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase photosynthetic efficiencies, contact us today!