Biological Farming Tips

Pro-Soil relies heavily on biological farming to help farmers increase crop yields. Biological farming is a system that uses nature and science to build the quality of the soil with the understanding that healthy soil will be able to support healthy crops. Below are a few ways to take advantage of natural processes rather than relying on chemical processes through biological farming.


Your soil should be nutrient-rich. You should have a good balance of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, manganese, iron, copper and boron. Test your soil to find out where you stand and act accordingly.


You should use short rotation methods. Rotate every year or two for fewer weeds, disease and pest problems. Crop yields are higher and inputs lower than with a long rotation or with monocropping.


Plant residues and animal manures or compost should be tilled into the upper layer of the soil for optimum decay into humus.  If you do need to till deeply, don’t invert the soil. Instead, slice or uplift it. Never till soil that’s wet, and keep field traffic to a minimum to reduce compaction.


Try using biologically sound fertilizers. This means using minimally processed fertilizers for a more healthy crop. An optimally productive soil contains a perfect balance of inorganic minerals, organic (carbon-based) materials, and living organisms. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers  can upset this balance in the soil, the exact opposite of what you want for your crops.


A biological farmer should try non-toxic control methods on a crop in need before turning to pesticides. Try crop rotation, soil balancing and tillage. Only use toxic chemicals if non-toxic methods fail after a few weeks, and use them as moderately as possible.

The biological approach to farming yields soil that is healthy and able to support healthy crops. These crops contain higher concentrations of plant sugars, minerals and amino acids and giving them a higher nutritional value. Biological farming is by no means the easiest method of farming but the results are worth it. Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase your crop yield, contact us today!