Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc. combines knowledge that goes back to early farming practices with modem organic molecular chemistry and biotechnology. The result is one of the biggest changes in farming since the advent of fertilizer – an innovative system that dramatically improves your soil’s ability to work for you. Improves it so well in fact, that farmers following the program for a year or more tell us they now consider it to be the important part of their farming operation.

Industry experts agree. Consider what’s been said in the media recently:

“Researchers closely comparing the structure and composition of healthy soils against crop fertility and yields are now recommending cutbacks in synthetic fertilizers.”

“Soil nutrition and stimulants, which can improve nutrient uptake, are rapidly becoming a valuable tool in a farmer’s best use arsenal.”

“By restoring the life in your soil and enhancing beneficial soil bacteria you can reduce the need for applied phosphorus and nitrogen by as much as $25 per acre on Corn and many other crops.”

“A soil with high biological levels will plow more easily, develop deeper plant roots and will have greater yield and quality potential.”

“Soil that tests high in NPK may still produce low yields if soil biological life is low or imbalanced. Most soils in this country are in starvation mode because of poor biological life.”

Implement a soil restoration program on your farm without it costing you any more per acre than you’re spending right now. This may sound too good to be true, but it is possible! How?

Biological life is what makes unavailable nutrients available to your crops. If your soils are like most, you probably have an abundance of tied up nutrients that are not available to your crops – and most soils contain enough nutrients in the top six inches to grow crops at reduced fertility rates and still improve yields. Many of these nutrients are fertilizers that you have purchased from which you are receiving no benefit.