Soil Tests, Earthworms, and Native Soil Biology

“It is scientifically proven fact that mychorrizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plants to convert and bring nutrients to the root zone.”

Soil Tests – More than just Fertility Recommendations?

Taking and understanding your soil tests is crucial to building a balanced program that will maximize results and give success on your farm. Because soil components play such a crucial role to conversion of applied nutrients, if we look only at the fertility recommendations we miss valuable information that is so important to identify limiting factors for our crops. With so many variables that go into raising a successful crop, anything we can do to remove the guesswork in such a complex program the better. Consistent Soil testing is a start. Soil tests should be taken at least every 3 yrs. Petiole tests are recommended to determine nutrient deficiencies throughout the growing season.

Key Components in a Soil Test:

  • C.E.C. – is a measure of soil holding capacity
  • pH – measure of acidity or alkalinity in your soil-6.3-7.3 is ideal
  • Organic Matter – higher the better. O.M. will contribute to overall soil health and biological activity in soil.
  • % Base Saturation – shows balance of Cation elements. Ca to Mg ratio is very important.
  • Micro Nutrients – these Trace elements are required in smaller amounts but crucial for crops overall health.

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The Mighty Earthworm

Of all the members of the soil food web, earthworms need the least introduction. Earthworms dramatically alter soil structure, water movement, nutrient dynamics and plant growth. Their presence is usually an indicator of a healthy system. Earthworms perform several beneficial functions:

  • Stimulate microbial activity
  • Mix and Aggregate soil
  • Naturally aerate soils
  • Improve water-holding capacity
  • Provide channels for root growth
  • Bury and shed plant residue
  • Earthworm castings contain increased amounts of all plant nutrients.

Earthworm populations are highly variable 10,000 to 70,000 per 1000 sq\ft. Microbes and Earthworms produce their weight in Humus everyday. Due to microbes high pH tolerance, they begin working to help stabilize pH so that the earthworm population may thrive. This balance in pH also increases uptake of soil nutrients by roots. The most nutritionally charged soils in the world are produced by microbes and earthworms.

Our Approach to Native Soil Biology

Our proprietary biological products create the greatest impact on soil microbes and Earthworms. Many Farm practices disrupt soil balance and as such Fungi and earthworms are effected and are diminished in numbers. Balance in soil organisms are as critical to productive
soil as balance of Macro and Micronutrients are to plant health. Our programs function to stimulate and feed NATIVE soil microbes rather than using live cultures. Science has shown this to be the most effective and natural approach. By properly stimulating that which is already in your soil, and more importantly adapted to your soil conditions, faster transformation can
occur. Combined with a high energy food source, Microbial populations increase in both numbers and activity level dramatically. Higher populations and increased activity levels of those populations are the driving force we need. Microbes face an uphill battle and require proper management just as our crops do. Doesn’t it make sense, understanding the vital processes soil biology are responsible for, that we do something pro-biotic to create and foster a relationship that allows our microorganisms to flourish in our soils. Just as plants require food (N,P,K) Soil Microbes require a food source also.