Adding Fertility to Soil is Not the Answer

For many farmers that are trying to bring their crop yields back to their original output, they believe the answer is to begin adding fertility to the ground, but unfortunately, that is not the case. If the nutrients that are in the soil reserves are ‘tied-up,’ then you have a release problem, which is quite common, and is often mistaken for a soil fertility problem.

No amount of fertility is going to correct this problem and make nutrients more available to the plant, the only way to correct a nutrient absorption deficiency is to take into account these three steps:

soil fertility

  1. Soften and mellow the existing topsoil
  2. Improve the biological complexity of the soil
  3. Increase the root structure on the crop

By taking action with the above few steps, not only will it help to increase the uptake of applied fertilizer to your soil, but it will increase the availability of soil bound nutrients from the total reserves, making room for both the soil and the crop to receive its necessary nutrients and aid in the reduction of soil compaction.

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions helps our customers achieve this by teaching and practicing soil management and nutrient balance. Our soil products will help you maximize profits on every acre you farm. We don’t have all the answers to the questions facing farmers today, but we’ve shown time after time that our below ground management products can truly help the farmer and their crops.

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a more active and higher microbial population which in turn allows for a more complete conversion and uptake of both macro and micro nutrients.

Biological farming helps to release unused, bound fertilizer that is stuck in the soils which have been used and abused over time. Current farming practice are contributing to less than 3% of our total inputs towards doing anything that actually improves our native soils. Harmful chemicals and fertilizers are working against the farmer and his or her soil, making it impossible to achieve the crop yields they once produced.

If you are a farmer looking to achieve a healthier soil by utilizing beneficial microorganisms and thereby increasing crop production and protection, contact Pro Soil Ag Solutions today.