Bioactive Soil

Pro-Soil agricultural products increase the activity of beneficial bacteria and fungi in your fields by improving soil physical properties, mineral availability and by converting organic matter (such as crop residue, compost and other decayed plant/animal material) into nutrient-rich humus – the most important element in highly productive soils.

By improving soil structure with bioactive soil management, Pro-Soil increases moisture retention and aeration, bringing more effective distribution of water, oxygen and nutrients directly to plant root zones. Stimulating root mass development promotes better seedling emergence and faster starts. Extensive root growth, particularly in the early stages of plant development, helps reduce plant stress from adverse environmental conditions, even during periods of extreme heat or drought. Which can lead to:

  • Increased fertilizer efficiency= big savings on fertilization costs!
  • Improved germination and seedling survival = better and more uniform stands.
  • Increased plant vigor = increased competitiveness of plants against weeds for easier weed control.
  • Reduced risks from weather stresses, drought, lodging, nitrate toxicity induced burning of crops = fewer losses!
  • Improved crop quality, increased test weight, protein, oil, sugar and mineral levels = increased teed and market value.
  • Improved residue decomposition and soil tilth = easier tillage.
  • Improved water absorption, retention and drainage in the soil = increased water efficiency and reduced irrigation costs. Losses due to drought and soil erosion are greatly reduced.
  • Dramatically increased crop yield + lower operational costs = higher profits!