How Can a Soil Activator Increase Crop Yields?

We take biological farming seriously at Pro-Soil, because we believe in unlocking soil for more efficient yields and potential instead of constantly increasing inputs. Our crew of farmers has shown time and again that our products can provide increased yields for crops using soil activator solutions to stimulate soil biology. In this article we discuss what soil activators are and how they can produce increased crop yields.

Healthy plant growth depends on healthy microbial and earthworm activity. Soil activators may play a role in breaking down organic matter and conditioning soil in garden beds or in the compost pile, but can be difficult to evaluate due to the different composition among brands and the contention among experts as to their effectiveness.

What Is a Soil Activator?

soil activator graphicThere are many different types of soil activators. Soil activators are also known as bio stimulants, because they enhance the microbial activity in soils. Soil activation leads to increased nutrient availability, mellow soils, increased root mass and better overall crop health.

Pro-Soil achieves soil activation by using organic acids, fertilizers, chelated trace minerals, kelp, enzymes, a compatible non-ionic surfactant and most importantly, humates.

Our number one soil activator is PS – Foundation 1-0-1 and can be used to supplement Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, Wheat, Alfalfa and other crops.

How Do I Use Pro-Soil Activator?

Different crops respond differently to PS-FOUNDATION™ depending on the season, broadcast amount and proximity to harvest. We recommend the following application guidelines for common domestic crops.

First, sufficiently mix PS-FOUNDATION™ with water (minimum 10 gallons of liquid per acre). PS-FOUNDATION™ can be mixed in a tank with fungicides, herbicides, liquid fertilizers and insecticides.

Use PS-FOUNDATION™ with a soil fertility program and a good soil test.

As always, it’s important to make sure that all your chemical additives are compatible. You can do this by staging a small-scale compatibility test with a well-shaken sample of your crop additives.

Once your compatibility test is a success, proceed with full-scale broadcast.

  • Corn & Soybeans:8 – 16 ounces broadcast (preplant) or 12.8 – 1 6 oz. directly in row with optional 12.8-16 oz. broadcast application in the fall.
  • Cotton:Can be applied pre-plant with Treflan at 12.8-16 ounces in-row or broadcast in conjunction with first application of round-u p at 12.8 – 1 6 oz. Optional 12.8 -1 6 oz. broadcast application in late fall.
  • Wheat:12 .8 – 16 ounces broadcast just before planting, 12.8 -1 6 ounces directly in -row or 8 ounces per 100 lbs. of seed as seed treatment. 8.5-1 2.8 oz. Triple 3 Vital Boost as top-dress in conjunction with N-P-K applications.
  • Alfalfa:8- 16 o z. 30-45 days prior to 1st cutting.

Find a full list of our products here. If you’re ready for increased crop yields using fewer inputs, give us a call at 1-800-714-4903.