Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium

ProSoil has just combined 3 proven Foliar feed technologies into 1 product. Using our fully cultured and enzymatic process from Triple 3, ProSoil added 90 naturally occurring Ocean derived minerals along with a high quality Phosphoric Acid.

Results in the field over the past 2 seasons have seen significant improvements in plant health and more advanced fruit set with plants retaining more fill throughout the growing season. Recommended application rate is 16 oz. per acre.

nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium

Manufactured at our facility in Hawkins, Texas, our brands, including PS-Foundation 1-0-1, PS-Starter Pro and Triple 3 Vital Boost, are recognized by farm producers and industry experts as the finest, safest and most reliable below ground management products available.

Technologically engineered to deliver advanced soil nutrition to existing soils, our natural, liquid below ground management products for crop and soil management work equally well and favorably on all varieties of agricultural crops. Below ground management is key. 

Thousands of farmers like ourselves have gradually made the move from chemically intensive farming to biological farming, but why? Nurturing fundamental soil life and inherent minerals in the soil is the only way to create a healthy microbial environment that fosters healthy crop yields and reusable soil.

Of course, as we’ve always said, there is no ‘miracle’ soil treatment, but bringing your soil back to its original chemical balance is the best and closet solution. Below ground soil management is what we dedicate our Pro-Soil Ag product line to, and it has boasted amazing results.


An Overview:

A leading manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc. is driven by our mission to help farmers world wide make a more profitable living from their farms, while improving the health of their soils and the quality of the crops they raise.

At Pro-Soil, we understand the problems facing the commercial agriculture industry today and we’re committed to helping our customers take advantage of the knowledge and emerging technological resources made possible through more than 30 years of research and development in biotechnology for sustainable agriculture.

Working with a slew of different variations, Pro-Soil was able to engineer a product so powerful, using not only Phosphorous, Potassium and Nitrogen, but more than 90 naturally occurring Ocean derived minerals along with a high quality Phosphoric Acid, has created a product for your soil that will bring it back to it’s original glory.


Nitrogen is one of the most important elements responsible for vegetative growth. Nitrogen assimilation into amino acids is the foundation for protein and growth in any plant. It is a component of chlorophyll and is required for several enzyme reactions.

Pro-Soil utilizes not only Nitrogen, but Phosphorous and Potassium in a new fertilizer that will increase crop yields and help the plant from its source, the roots and rhizosphere. Nitrogen is dryer prill, very water soluble, and easily blended with other dry fertilizers.


Phosphorus is a major component in plant DNA and RNA. Phosphorus is also critical in root development, crop maturity and seed production.


Potassium increases water use efficiency and transforms sugars to starch in the grain-filling process.

Pro-Soil’s biotechnology products offer your greatest potential to achieve minimum inputs and maximum yields by enabling you to better manage the factors that drive input costs up, and those that limit production. The program is simple; it’s easy and can be done without spending any more than you are right now.

Talk to your ProSoil representative about the best timing opportunities for various crops.