Soil Classification: Synthetic Soils

These soils con­ tain significant populations of microorganisms which are able to fix atmos­pheric nitrogen and carbon dioxide into complex molecules such as amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Such micro­ organisms include photosynthetic bacteria which perform incomplete photosynthesis anaerobically, ce1tain Phycomycetes (fungi that resemble algae), and both green algae and blue-green algae which function aero­bically. All of these are photosynthetic organisms that fix atmospheric nitrogen. If the water content of these soils is sta­ble, their fertility can be largely maintained by regular additions of only small amounts of organic materials. These soils have a low Fusarium occupancy, and they are often of the disease-suppressive type. The production of gases from fields where synthetic soils are present is minimal, even for flooded rice.

This is a somewhat simplistic classi­fication of soils based on the functions of their predominant types of microorgan­isms, and whether they are potentially beneficial or harmful to the growth and yield of crops, While these different types of soils are described here in a rather ideal­ized manner, the fact is that in nature they are not always clearly defined because they often tend to have some of the same characteristics. Nevertheless, research has shown that a disease-inducing soil can be transformed into disease-suppressive, zy­mogenic and synthetic soils by inoculating the problem soil with mixed cultures of Effective Microorganisms.

Thus it is somewhat obvious that the most desirable agricultural soil for optimum growth, pro­duction, protection, and quality of crops would be the composite soil that is highly zymo­genic and synthetic, and has an established disease-suppressive capacity. This then is the principle reason for seeking ways and means of controlling the microflora of ag­ricultural soils.

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc., manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, is driven by our mission to help farmers improve the health of their soils and the quality of the crops they raise.

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase photosynthetic inefficiencies, contact us today!