What makes a Healthy Soil?

A healthy soil means:

  • The soil organisms-the soil foodweb- which cycle nutrients into the right forms and at the right rates are
  • The organisms which suppress disease-causing organisms are
  • The organisms which build soil structure are present, so mineral and gases (oxygen) can move to the plant easily, and waste materials can be removed as rapidly as
  • The beneficial enzymes that degrade toxic materials and free radicals are
  • The microbes and bacteria that produce plant- growth- promoting hormones are
  • ยท Soil chemistry is right for the plant. Soil pH is only a very general indicator of potential soil productivity, since most plants can function in a wide range of soil pH. The right amounts of Calcium, Iron, Sulfur and other trace elements must be presented to the plant at the right times and in the right amounts. Ifany of these elements are in complexed forms that the plant can’t use, the plant will suffer, and generally will succumb to stress and eventually disease.

If soil chemistry and soil biology are right, soils will have the right structure and soil physics will be fine. Soil organisms, bacteria and microbial populations can vary greatly throughout the growing season. Disturbances such as heat, drought, too much water, and compaction can greatly offset the numbers of beneficial scavenger enzymes and hinder a sound management program in a short period of time. This is why it is critically important that we learn to keep our beneficial enzymes, hormones and bacteria’s present throughout the growing season.

Pro-Soil Ag Solutions, Inc., manufacturer and distributor of natural soil nutrition and liquid plant food products that enhance the effects of fertilizer and stimulate plant growth, is driven by our mission to help farmers improve the health of their soils and the quality of the crops they raise.

Our products improve soil health by stimulating and feeding native microbial life in the soil which creates a higher yielding crop. To learn more about how you can increase photosynthetic inefficiencies, contact us today!