Biological Farming — A Change to a Brighter Farming Future

Thousands and thousands of American farmers have gradually made the move from chemically intensive farming to a new biological farming system, one that nurtures fundamental soil life and inherent mineral in the soil, yielding healthier crops and higher net profits per acre.

There are a plethora of articles supporting this big change in farming since the advent of fertilizers. Soil nutrition and stimulants improve nutrient uptake, develop deeper plant roots and even reduce the need to apply nitrogen or phosphorus to some crops.

We want to stress that there is no miracle product in agriculture, but there is healthy soil. What type of soil restoration program do you have in place? What is your current planting system? How are you adding back the energy to the soil after crop yields?

At Pro-Soil Ag Solutions we know that soil nutrition and stimulants alone aren’t the full answer, but they will help your future in farming. The biological farming industry and soil systems place great emphasis on rebuilding and restoring the vast stores of beneficial bacteria, carbon, and humus.

Humus levels and beneficial bacteria can be increased even in situations where organic matter is low. If proper soil chemistry is observed, adjusted and a quality fertility program is implemented (bio-based), soils will begin to adjust over time, provide higher nutrient levels directly to the plant, and in-turn, the humus building process will become self-generating.

Soil nutrition and stimulants offer the farmer an alternative approach and a chance to rebuild the very instrument that supports and sustains all of his or her plant life. Modern farming has focused almost exclusively on above ground management with virtually no emphasis placed on below ground management or soil nutrition, and with biological farming, this is where we start.

Contact the agricultural professionals at Pro-Soil Ag Solutions to discuss a change in your soil management system.